
The Arcadia Valley is full of nature and an unbelievable amount of history. Some of the history includes Civil War battle sites, 1800's architecture, the Trail of Tears ans so much more!
Visit some of the following resources to learn more.
And don't forget to visit the Iron County Historical Society Museum,
Visitor's Center & Train Station
13700 Highway 21 Arcadia, MO 63621
(573) 546-3513
"The Arcadia Valley is one of the most delightful places I have ever been, with beautiful scenery all about, plenty of cool water available, making ice cease to be a luxury, and enough altitude to insure cool weather."
- General Ulysses S. Grant

The towns of Pilot Knob, Ironton and Arcadia are rich in MO Civil War lore. Because of its strategic importance as the southern terminus of the St. Louis & Iron Mountain Railroad, Union soldiers occupied Pilot Knob and the Arcadia Valley throughout the war. Fort Davidson, the target of the Battle of Pilot Knob in 1864, is a hexagonal earthwork constructed by the Union Army and stands 300 yards from the base of Pilot Knob Mountain. The assault on Fort Davidson by Confederate troops left 1,500 soldiers dead or wounded. The fort and site are listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
Fort Davidson State Historic Site serves as a memorial to those who gave their lives on the battlefield, and the Visitor's Center provides detailed information about the battle through the use of artifacts, a diorama, and film. Additionally, a self-guided driving tour around the Arcadia Valley directs visitors to some of the most significant points on the battlefields. Each stop is marked by a red granite monument. Maps for this tour are available at Fort Davidson State Historic Site.
Full-scale re-enactments of the Battle of Pilot Knob are staged, attracting tens of thousands of spectators to the Valley. Be sure to make your plans now to attend the next re-enactment scheduled for September 27-28, 2014 commemorating the Civil War Sesquicentennial (150th Anniversary of the Civil War).
The Iron County Courthouse, built in 1861, still bears the mark of a cannon ball fired on its roof during the battle. Both the courthouse and a gazebo on the lawn are listed in the National Register of Historic Places. In 1861 Ulysses S. Grant received his commission as a Brigadier General at Ironton and a monument at the nearby Catholic church marks that location.

630 Highway 21, Arcadia, MO - 573.546.3513
Enjoy all the historical memorabilia from the area. Take a step back in history and tour the museum in person during normal hours.

HISTORIC DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET, IRONTON. This area offers a unique shopping experience. It is part of the Antique District of Arcadia Valley. Also, the merchants, restaurants and entertainers give it a great atmosphere.